About Gavrail Panchev
1983 - 1989 - Founder and head of City Literary Club. Editor-in-Chief of Schools and Literature and Worlds journals
1999 - 2001 - Member of the Society of Bulgarian Writers - Plovdiv
1996 - included in the Encyclopedia "Who is Who in Bulgarian Culture?" (distributed in Europe)
Publications (1992 - 2020):
Books :
- Between Slavery and Freedom - Collection of Articles, ed. Polygraphy AD, Plovdiv, 1994.
- The Change, Collection of Articles, 1994.
- The Murder of Aleko Konstantinov - Publisher Literary Forum, Sofia, 1997.
- "Bai Ganyu. Incredible Stories of a Contemporary Bulgarian ”by Aleko Konstantinov: Power and Knowledge - Collection of Essays and Articles, First Edition, 1998
- "Bai Ganyu. Incredible Stories of a Contemporary Bulgarian ”by Aleko Konstantinov: Power and Knowledge - Collection of Essays and Articles, Second Edited and Supplemented Edition, ed. SEMA 2001, Plovdiv, 1999
- "Bai Ganyu. Incredible Stories of a Contemporary Bulgarian ”by Aleko Konstantinov: Power and Knowledge - Collection of Essays and Articles, Third Revised and Supplemented Edition, 2000
- Aleko Konstantinov. Biography in three volumes , 2003, 2008.
- Beyond Reality and Utopia . Collection of articles, ed. Literary Forum, Sofia, 2018
Articles and Studios:
Over 50 articles and studies published in the period 1989 - 2019 on philosophical, political and cultural topics.
Patriotism or Patriotisms - Published in website "Values and Community" - cao.bg, 2019
Knowledge, Knowledge and Self- Knowledge - Published in website "Values and Community" - cao.bg, 2019
Between Freedom and Slavery - Published in the Century 21 Newspaper, July 12, 1990, no. 24, 2019
Revolution and History - Published in website "Values and Community" - cao.bg, 2019
The Files: the Bulgarian Scheherazade
Conservatism Yesterday and Today - Published in website "Values and Community" - cao.bg, 2018
Liberalism - Between Yesterday and Today - Published in website "Values and Community" - cao.bg, 2018
The school during the Renaissance. Keep the Bulldogs of the Republic of Bulgaria , Komsomolska Iskra, year XXI, issue. 21 (1567), May 22, 1989
A Story Run to Paradise? - Svoboda Newspaper, year I, issue. 7, April 25, 1990
Stamboliiski's Chords Ask Awkward Questions - Maritza Newspaper, August 30, 1991
Between Freedom and Slavery - Century 21 Newspaper, issue 1 24, September 12, 1990 ,
The School - Yesterday and Today , Christian Democracy, 13.09. - 09/20/1990
Tangle between Truth and Insolence - Century 21 Newspaper, issue 1 21 (110), May 27-02-02, 1992
Pathology of the Communist , Century 21 Newspaper, issue. 26 (115), 01.07 - 07.07.1992
Television Chefs Mistook a Tinker Bun to Taste the BSP - Plovdiv News, I. 46, May 22, 1992 (newspaper headline)
The Wrath of the Mind - Century 21 Newspaper 46 (135), November 18-24, 1992
Anonymous Intelligence - Lit. forum ”, issue. 33, August 19-25, 1992
Alibi for Literature - Lit. forum ”, issue. 40, 7-13 October 1992
The Change. Philosophical Aspects - Lit.forum, Issue no. 45 (123), 11-17.11.1992.
The Teacher in Bulgaria - "Kingdom of Bulgaria", no. 8, I, 26.11.-02.12.1992, No. 9, I, 03.12.-09.12.1992; pcs. 10, I, 10.12.-16.12.1992
History of Bulgarian Education. Metamorphoses - AzBuKi, II, issue 2 50 (86), December 16-22, 1992
The Teacher as a Professional - “Vek 21” newspaper, part 4, issue. 11, March 17-23, 1993
Football is a Reflection of culture, It is Reassuring if it Comes from Europe - Maritza, II, no. 406, 08.10.1992 (newspaper headline)
The Conflict between Municipalities and Government - Century 21 Newspaper, 4, issue 43, 27.10-02.11.1993.
The Democratic Change or the Berov Government - Plovdiv Municipal Newspaper, no. 41, October 15-21, 1993
The Pitfall of Success - Century 21 Newspaper, Year 4, Issue 4 4, January 27-February 2, 1993
The Community Center - “Lit. Forum ”, issue. 9 (139), 03-09.03. 1993
The Outsider - Lit. forum ”, issue. 30 (160), 28.07-03.08.1993.
Sunset of Truth - Lit. forum ”, issue. 40 (170), 06-12-10-1993
Stefan Stambolov and Bulgarian Politics - Lit. forum ”, issue. 4 (186), 26.01-01.02.1994
At the School with a ... mind - Vek 21 newspaper, issue. 15, 5, 20.04-26.04.1994
Zhivkov as an Ideologist of ... Today - Vek 21 newspaper, V, issue. 8 (199), February 23 - March 1, 1994
The Death of the Gallows - Lit. forum ”, issue. 7 (189), February 16-22, 1994 / part of Vasil Levski's studios /
UDF before the Local Government Elections - Century 21 Newspaper, issue 1 12, 6, 22-28.03.1995
How to Win Local Elections - Democracy, Issue no. 46 (1540), February 23, 1995
Why the UDF Should Win Local Government Elections - Century 21 Newspaper, 18, 6, 3-9 May 1995
Shake - Lit. Forum, issue. 22, 31.05 - 06.06.1995
The Problems of the BSP or the Totalitarian State - Century 21 Newspaper, no. 38, 6.08-14.11.1995
Philosophy of Political Choice and Its Social Consequences According to the Book "Bai Ganyu" by Aleko Konstantinov - Lit. Newspaper, issue. 34, 5, 25-31.10.1995
Why did the UDF not win the local elections? - Century 21 Newspaper, 7, issue. 9 (290), 13-19.03.1996
BSP Management and the Personnel Question - Century 21 Newspaper, 7, Issue no. 2 (283), January 25 - January 30, 1996
Liberalism and Conservatism in and around the Book "Bai Ganyu. Incredible Stories of a Contemporary Bulgarian” by Aleko Konstantinv - Century 21 Newspaper, 7, issue. 17 (298), May 8-14, 1996
The philosophy of failure - Century 21 Newspaper, issue 1 22 (303), Year 7, October 13-20, 1996
Bai Ganya. Power Book - Lit. Forum, issue. 21 (279), 05-11.06.1996, issue. 22 (280), June 12-18, 1996
Memoir of Radilovo (travelogue) - Lit. Forum, issue. 33, October 16-22, 1996
The Murder - Lit. Forum, issue. 17 (318), 07-13.05.1997, issue. 18 (319), 14 - 20.05.1997 (The article is part of the Aleko Konstantinov murder investigation)
Power and Knowledge according to "Bai Ganyu. Incredible Stories of a Contemporary Bulgarian ”by Aleko Konstantinov" - Century 21 Newspaper, issue. 7 (321), 8, 14-20.03.1997, issue. 9 (322), 8, 21-27.03.1997
Corruption - Vreme - 2001, issue 24, III, June 15, 2000, Ps.
Mikhail Takev, Aleko Konstantinov and one more - Danube Business newspaper,. ХLVII, 5-11 May 2000, Svishtov et al. 20, XLVII, May 19-25, 2000
Communism as Communism - Philosophical Alternatives Journal, Issue no. 6, 1993
Change, Politics and Politicians - Nation and Politics Magazine 3, November 1993; pcs. 4, December 1993.
Some people come back from the past - Trakia Magazine 1, 1994
Psychology of Change - Democratic Review Magazine, XXVII, Issue 4, 1994, pp. 29-48
Football, Politics and Society - Democratic Review Magazine 4 - 5, 1996
“Bai Ganyu. Incredible Tales of a Contemporary Bulgarian ”by Aleko Konstantinov: The Same and the Other - Democratic Review Magazine, Book 32, Summer 1997.
Education: АД
1968 - Primary education completed
1978 - Completed secondary education
1982 - Higher education completed, Bulgarian Philology Magazine, Plovdiv University Hilendarski ”